
Wednesday 24 June 2020

Te oro

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Today, room seven and six went to Te oro. This little trip was unexpected, but really fun at the same time. We didn't have a bus, so we had to walk there, luckily it was close to our school. Once we arrived a lady introduced herself and then we had to take our shoes off, and then we could go into the room we were doing our crafts, and it smelled pretty funny once our shoes were off. Once we went in we had to sit on the mat while the other people were singing. When that was over they all introduced themselves and then we got straight into it. Then our teachers had to seperate all of us into three groups and I was in the third group. My group had to sit on the mat and then the teachers separated our group into two groups. I went with Whaea and we got started. Whaea gave us four flaxes each and a pair of scissors for later. We started grabbing two pieces of flax and put them on top of eachother, then made it into a loop. After that we grabbed the other two and put them on top of each other and then put it between the hole and the top. We made another loop with that around the first one and  inserted the end into the first hole. To do this step you might need another person to help you because you will need more than two hands to do this. You will have to pull all four sides and then you will get four squares. Turn it around and then take one from each end and fold it straight up, do that until you get to the last end, and with the last end you have to tuck it into the closes square there is and then this is the part when you need your scissors. Grab the scissors and then you have to cut the ends into a triangle end. Do that onto the rest and then you have a star. Today I've learnt how to make a star and I've learnt that in Maori star means Fetu, also I've learnt that in Maori flax means Harakeke. Today was really fun and intresting to learn everything we've just learnt and I hope we could go there another time again, but maybe without the walking.

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