
Thursday, 8 July 2021

The Matariki Light Trail

 Te Ara Rama Matariki Light Trail - Auckland - Eventfinda

In Auckland Glen Innes, there is a event and in this event there are lights. These lights go around a huge grass field, and it takes place at night. Its right behind Te Oro, and in Te Oro there are performances like singing and dancing. There are also some things on sale like deserts, coffee, island food, clothing, paintings, light balls and swords, some candy and hot chips. It's a Light Trail display and people walk around and take photos, it also brings the family together and you get to spend quality time with your siblings and parents.

I visited this event with my family and it was really fun to explore the new lights they've displayed. My family and I also bought some hot food because of how cold it was. The cool thing was that my Nana had a food shop, she was selling curry and rice, drinks and Faikakai Topai, which is a tongan desert and its made of balls of dough, and glazed in homemade caramel sauce. 

She made a lot of money after selling all that food, and that has gone into a saving account for the end of this year. On the last day of this event there is a huge firework display there. My family and I went there again and the fireworks were beautiful and it was definitely big. I really enjoyed this Light Trail event and especially the fireworks. I'm looking forward for next year's Light Trail because Matariki is going to be a public holiday for the first time. My favourite part of this event was the circle lights on the floor and every time you step on it, it would change color, I also enjoyed the hula hoops.

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